Setting a Path for a More Equitable Commonwealth

Reports from The Commission to Examine Racial Inequity and Virginia Law and The Commission to Examine Racial and Economic Inequity in Virginia Law

Entrepreneurship:  It is Not About You; It’s About Service

By Keith Miller


We encourage all Virginians to read The Color of Law by Richard Rothstein


The Color of Law

This “powerful and disturbing history” exposes how American governments deliberately imposed racial segregation on metropolitan areas nationwide (New York Times Book Review).


 We encourage everyone to read this upcoming book, an uplifting Story of Reconciliation.


Together: An Inspiring Response to the “Separate-But-Equal” Supreme Court Decision that Divided America 

In Together, Amy Nathan threads the personal stories of Keith Plessy and Phoebe Ferguson into the larger history of race relations and civil rights movements in New Orleans and throughout the United States. She tells the inspiring story of how Keith and Phoebe came together to form the Plessy and Ferguson Foundation which aims to teach the history of the case and support those who continue to fight for their rights today.

Rev Campbell’s Sermon on Racial Reconciliation


Virginia Way Forward


Recommended Resources

2019 marked the 400th anniversary of events in Virginia that continue to impact America. These events have shaped the democratic process, our diversity, cultural traditions, and the entrepreneurial spirit of the United States.

Passionate to see children thrive in adoption, foster care and effective service to the vulnerable worldwide. Together we seek justice and mercy, rooted deep in the Gospel of God’s unfailing love.

Racial healing is a process that restores individuals and communities to wholeness, repairs the damage caused by racism and transforms societal structures into ones that affirm the inherent value of all people.

The Hampton Roads City Collective is a network of churches and community leaders who educate, engage, and empower on racial reconciliation.

Sabrina Wooten’s passions include creating solutions to combat poverty and homelessness, business development and leadership.

This Facebook group is designed to provide an opportunity for honest conversations about issues that matter. It consists of a panel of some of the most brilliant and influential leaders in all of Virginia representing different nationalities and perspectives on these important matters.

This Project is very dear to our hearts. It seeks to improve Virginia's educational Standards, such that the full story of Virginia is told.

The Richmond Pledge is a statement of affirmation against racism.